Heart of the Matter
let your body do the talking...
The Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer (QRMA) is a non-invasive body-scanning tool that uses magnetic resonance technology to analyse the body’s overall health status. The QRMA software works by analysing the body’s magnetic resonance signals. It uses a hand-held sensor to detect the magnetic fields produced by the body’s cells and tissues. The software then processes and interprets these signals to provide a comprehensive report on the overall health status of the body. The QRMA software can detect imbalances in the body’s energy fields, and can identify the nutritional resources available to the tissue and organs as well as identifying which organs, glands or tissue might be functioning suboptimally.
I use this Bioscan as a rapid method of taking an overview of the body's status in particular with regards to nutritional levels and organ strength & weakness. This is not a diagnostic tool and I will never use it to interpret any deeper than areas of depleted resources or energy. It is, however, a very useful tool, firstly, to draw a client's attention to areas of their health that they may be unaware is an underlying factor to their health concerns. Secondly, regular reports (I usually recommend 3-4 months apart) can provide a reference of progress. Over time we can see how measurements begin to balance out and the body begins rectify its nutritional status and regulates function. This gives the client reassurance, helping them to stay focused and on track with their recovery to full wellness.
This is a very simple version of modern bio-resonance technology and has no healing capacity in itself. However, it is a fantastic tool that can give us a much better picture of a person's overall health and provides a spring board from which we can begin to address a client's nutritional needs without breaking the bank. Unfortunately this service cannot be done remotely - it is therefore only available to those attending a consultation in person.
I can add a Bioscan into an existing appointment at half of the usual cost of a stand-alone scan, and post appointment I will gather the results and create a personal summary and general recommendations according the results.
Alternatively, should you just wish for a Bio-Scan as a stand-alone appointment, this can also be booked via the Bookings page ~ for more information see HERE. An appointment would include taking the scan, some general recommendations and written summary of the results, sent by e-mail post appointment.

~ Quantum Resonance Bioscan Service ~