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Heart    of the Matter

"If we can really understand the problem, the answer will come out of it, because the answer is not seperate from the problem".

Jiddu Krishnamurti

My journey with Kinesiology started in 2012, initially training in Health Kinesiology with HKUK (now known as The Institute of Natural Bioenergetics) and qualifying in 2014.  I have since studied at The Academy of Systematic Kinesiology (TASK) and The School of Specialised Kinesiology, affiliated to the Kinesiology Association, in 2017.  I graduated to become a registered practitioner with the Kinesiology Federation (KFRP) in 2020 having completed the professional core requirements (Anatomy & Physiology, Nutritional Therapy, Counselling and Practice Management).  In 2020 I furthered my learning studying with Kinesiologist and Healer Jay Cubit, - founder of Spectrum Healing -  and I have been practicing Spectrum Healing Kinesiology as my core modality since.


This has all provided me with a rounded and thorough holistic training upon which I have built my practice, one which is now more oriented towards the subtle and energetic realms of health and well-being.  For those who are sensitive, drawn to the intuitive arts and who wish to explore their fullest expression of self, or, for those who have tried many different modalities without achieving the results they are looking for, I offer a very unique and bespoke service of healing, awakening and expansion.



"Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.  You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have the right to be here.  And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should."

Extract from Desiderata, by Max Ehrmann

Spectrum Healing is a Kinesiology-based energy healing system that has been developed by the late Kinesiologist and Energy Healer Jay Cubitt.  Upon experiencing the power of this healing modality during a demonstration at a Kinesiology conference, I was wowed by its powerful effect and followed it up with a group of online one-to-one sessions with Jay to work on some deeper issues I had at the time.  Subsequently, I moved on in my development dramatically, and immediately fell in love with the power and simplicity of this modality. During the course of 2020 I began my training journey with Jay, and to this day, it has become my most preferred method of working with clients.   Working in person or from a distance, via video link or absently, this modality combines Energy Healing with established Kinesiology techniques and other functional and psychological principals. Once we have identified the priority issue for the client through muscle testing, we attune to the frequency of Pure Consciousness, and from this state we neutralise the relevant blockages, limiting patterns or programming that are preventing our lifeforce from flowing freely.    We let the body choose from a vast menu of corrections and vibrational tools what it needs to release or re-set in order to find balance.


This is a deep and life changing process that clients find helps them to access their blocks and resistance.  It is especially, but not solely, helpful to other therapists and practitioners, energy-sensitive souls, or those who are following a path of self development and spiritual connection.  



"If we could get your subconscious mind to agree with your conscious mind about being happy, that's when your positive thoughts work."



The origins of Kinesiology


Kinesiology is a mind-body modality that was born of American Chiropractic Dr George Goodheart in the 1960s. He discovered that by combining Chiropractic techniques with the philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Accupuncture meridian system he could access a much deeper level of understanding of why people were suffering pain and ill health, and therefore provide a more robust treatment for his clients. He did this by developing an understanding of the relationship between the meridian system and the muscle groups, organs and glands in the body and from there he created a system of MUSCLE TESTING techniques which are at the heart of all Kinesiology modalities.  His new modality, named Applied Kinesiology, was adopted by the Natural Medicine establishment in the United States and was brought over to the UK in the early 1970's by Brian Butler, the founder of what we now know as Systematic Kinesiology and, at its foundation, Touch for Health. 


Over the decades the ever-evolving practice of Kinesiology has been used as a tool by health practitioners all over the world.  Although a relatively new therapy, there now exists many different modalities that use Kinesiology at their core, and a variety of Kinesiology schools have been born - Health Kinesiology (also knows as Natural Bioenergetics) being one.  This is an energy based Kinesiology practice that works more in the subtle realms of vibrational energy and psychological adjustments.  This modality was one of the many off-shoots from the original work done by Dr Goodheart and was developed by Canadian Psychologist Dr Jimmy Scott  in the 1970's.  You can find out more about the many different schools on the Kinesiology Federation website here.


Kinesiology's approach to health is more akin to that of Functional Medicine with a very eclectic and modern toolkit.  Having been developed from so many different sources, it is a truly unique and holistic therapy.  As our science evolves particularly in the areas of psychoneuroimmunology and epigenetics, so does the world of Kinesiology, which makes it a most exciting modality to be working with.



















Muscle testing is the practice of  evaluating the energy flow of a particular muscle as a means to observing the body's energetic/electrical response to deliberately applied stimuli. Through applying gentle pressure to a muscle (commonly an arm muscle, for ease of use), we can observe the body's response to the subject or substance we are testing (a particular food, a thought, a goal or remedy, for example) whereby either the muscle switches on and strengthens, or, switches off and weakens.  This response acts as a binary yes/no indicator to the object being tested.  In practice this muscle response test tells us if the body is happy - saying 'yes' to the stimulus in question, or if it is stressed - ie saying 'no' to the sample.  


Each muscle has a direct connection to a particular meridian and organ or gland in the body according to the Traditional Chinese Medicine model.  By monitoring each muscle we can evaluate the energetic state of that meridian, organ and neural pathway. Working with the meridian system, the 5 elements and the many correction techniques we have learned, the Kinesiologist from whichever school,  will work out how best to keep your body 'happy' thus maintaining a state of balance, or homeostasis.  Skilful questioning and testing can provide us with sometimes very direct, if subtle, solutions, and often powerful adjustments can occur to change your body's physiology and energy system in an instant.


Because of the detailed and bespoke information a Kinesiologist can gather, many focus on nutritional testing as a means to keeping the body balanced.  This has a firm and solid place in how we can keep ourselves well at a fundamental level.  However these techniques can take us much further.   Kinesiology is rapidly growing and developing into a vast modality, one that allows us to delve deep into the high frequency realms of energetic and spiritual anatomy.  Not only can we strengthen our biochemistry, but our mental, emotional, psychological layers, right to the very core of our Soul, can be accessed in order to bring about change and healing.  



"The natural healing force in each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.” 


© 2019 Amy Roy

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