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About ... Heart  of the Matter

"Permit me to tell you about the kind of medicine I practice" she said.  "Medicine is changing, and changing rapidly.  We don't think of the body as a machine anymore with parts that eventually wear out and have to be fixed or replaced.  We're beginning to understand that the health of the body is determined to a great degree by our mental processes: what we think of life and especially of ourselves, at both the conscious and the unconscious levels" ... "the inner attitude of the patient is crucial"                        

THE TENTH INSIGHT by James Redfield




When we make the decision to take responsibility for our own healing journey, we commit to uncovering the natural flow of our true authentic self.  If you are reading these words it is likely that you are considering making just such a commitment to yourself.  You may find yourself at a crossroads:  Either you continue down a well-trodden path, where external factors seemingly determine your life experience, or, you may be realising that you have had enough of re-living certain recurring situations, circumstances and emotional loops and that your soul is asking you to take a different path.​


If this is the case for you, you may be contemplating some major changes in how you manage your health, relationships and your personal or spiritual development.  Only you can make the necessary changes for yourself to alter the course of your life's direction.  Depending on your priorities and your preferred approach, working with me allows us to communicate with your body by muscle testing to affirm which methods align with your highest interest.  Together, we can establish a bespoke programme of healing, personal awakening or personal expansion. 


Whichever path you feel drawn to, know that you have come to the right place.




My aim is to guide you to understanding where in your Self you need to let go of toxicity, limiting patterns & beliefs, stuck energy or subconscious loops, whether at a physical, emotional or spiritual level.  Believe it or not, a perfectly balanced, symmetrical version of you already exists, it's just a matter of clearing the path to catch up with it. 


Our job is to remove distortion and incoherence from your field by identifying limiting patterns and replacing them with positive resonance and symmetry.  We can do this by way of Homeopathy and other frequency tools, Kinesiology corrections, Alchemy and other conscious intention techniques.


I have two routes in to optimum health and wellbeing:  




~Healing and Detox Therapy~​


Firstly, working with HOMEOPATHY & FLOWER ESSENCES ~  This route can really assist in helping to clear family health patterns and toxicity from your system.  It is a gentle way of allowing your body to find its natural balance again and therefore can be really useful when working with children, the elderly and with people who have a long history of ailments, abuse, trauma, toxicity or stagnant emotions. Working homeopathically is great way to build up a depleted system or a very sick body, and can often play an important part in any self-development journey.  If your body is struggling to deal with imbalance, toxicity or pathological disease, you will find it hard to elevate your consciousness and overall sense of well being.  Your physical and mental health is therefore a good place to start.


The process of becoming whole and self-aware can take us through many emotional ups and downs as we begin to see more clearly the patterns that we play out every day.  Homeopathy optimises our life-force energy and flower essences help to bring awareness to and release stuck emotions,  and so these high frequency tools can lend a helping hand as we navigate the un-suppression of our hidden emotional and physiological states with more ease and stability - perhaps even avoiding years of therapy or invasive intervention. 


Go HERE for more information about homeopathy.




~Spectrum Healing Kinesiology &  Spiritual Alchemy~​


The second route is to bring your physical, energetic and your light bodies into COHERENCE, HARMONY AND BALANCE by clearing distortion, conflict and depletion from your field.  We work on restoring your energetic integrity and strengthening the projection of your highest potential and fullest expression of Self by releasing conditioning and programming held in your quantum field that is holding you back.  During this process your consciousness will naturally expand as you gain a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of who you are at your essence.  We achieve this using Spectrum Healing Kinesiology and Spiritual Alchemy techniques (all of which work perfectly alongside homeopathic healing and detoxification if desired).


For more information about this, go HERE.


why homeopathy
why qc

The path of...


At a physical level you may be struggling with pain, fatigue, poor organ function, digestive or hormonal imbalance...  


​More about this here ...

The path of... AWAKENING

It may be dawning on you that you are not living an authentic life that is aligned to your truest self...   


More about this here ... 

The path of ... EXPANSION

You have already shed much trauma and many limiting beliefs, yet, still you feel somehow blocked or unfulfilled in your life...

​...​More about this here ... 











At the physical level you may be struggling with pain, fatigue, toxicity, auto-immune disorders, organ, digestive or hormonal imbalance, to name but a few of the common disorders and ailments that people experience in today's modern environment.  You may be recovering from physical trauma or long term illness and need to recharge or rebalance your body.


Mentally, you may be struggling with addictions or compulsive behaviours, anxiety or depression that are impinging on your life and holding you back.


Emotionally, you may be lacking in confidence, experiencing loss, grief or conflict in your relationships.  For some, you may feel an absence of joy or love in your life or you may find it difficult to express yourself.  You may be recovering from a relationship breakdown, bullying or unresolvable family or work dynamics.  All of these emotional states hold energy, which needs to move through you and be released.  If stored, these emotions can become more serious physical or mental symptoms.  It is therefore important to take a look at what you might be sweeping under the carpet.


The first step to all healing is to understand that how we feel inside has a direct impact upon our physical and mental health and vice versa.  The modalities of Kinesiology and Homeopathy are a great first line of support when we have health concerns.  Working either way, or both together, can help us to retrace our steps and unpick the trail back to the underlying causes of ill health.  Once we see clearly what the body is trying to tell us, it will guide us on a path of recovery. 


By alleviating the pain and discomfort of physical imbalance, we can free up our bodies to place more attention upon other aspects of our well being - notably that which concerns our soul, our inner child and our personal or spiritual development.





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"Your natural state is one of wellness"        ABRAHAM HICKS


In the wake of the surreal events that have been taking place in the world over the last few years, many of us are waking up to the fact that we have not been living an authentic life that is aligned with our truest self. 


You  may have become aware of a void in your heart that will not be satisfied with modern materialism, sensory stimulation or emotional attachments. This kind of realisation often follows a big life-changing event or trauma that cracks open an increased sensory awareness, prompting you to consider the question 'who am I?' much more deeply.  You are forced to acknowledge your truth and may even be experiencing what some call a 'dark night of the soul'.  For some, this may reveal a much wider band-width of perception of reality that can come as a shock, and it may even be a very painful experience for you. 


The good news is you are not alone!  There are many practitioners out there that have lived through such a process - we are here to help.  Each day, more and more of us are beginning to open our minds to a more expanded perception of reality and as our hearts open, we understand that we must purge the density and toxicity that has accumulated thus far.  


This may all be new to your, or, you may have travelled far down this road already ~ you may even be in a position of helping others in your own practice ~ yet, you find yourself facing resistance, deep and difficult emotions, shadow-work or ancestral clearing that you are struggling to resolve.   


Either way, you have come to the right place.


I offer you an opportunity to explore this expanded awareness and intuitive awakening, as you begin your journey back to the full truth of who you are and the life you wish to lead. I will hold a safe and supportive space for you that aligns with your personal priorities and highest interest, while you begin to clear your path ahead. 


For more information about Spectrum Healing Kinesiology, see HERE














Some of us have been steadily working through our awakening for years, decades even, and are doing the necessary work to offload burdensome baggage whilst raising our frequency in line with that of our Mother Earth.  As we elevate our frequency we expand our consciousness and awareness.  Some label this a Path of Ascension.  We have cleared much trauma and many limiting beliefs already, yet we still feel somehow blocked or unfulfilled in our lives and struggle to lift ourselves out of low frequency vibrations or negative loop cycles, despite all that we have learned so far.  Where do we look now? 


The answer may lie within our quantum field - our whole existence in its entirety. Much of what inhibits us is so deeply buried in distortions that have occurred in our toroidal field and quantum structure through all time, space and reality.  These quantum structures hold information and codes from other lives lived, soul contracts, ancestors or other dimensions. When we realise that we can access this information here and now, we can begin to clear the path ahead and restore a coherent magnetic alignment - not only for ourselves, but for the collective.  The less distorted our energetic and toroidal fields, the more we elevate our frequency and expand our consciousness.  We increase our self-awareness and we draw in new information and light codes.  Not only can we align with the energy of love and with nature's sacred geometry, but we can project it out into the world and share more coherence, harmony and balance with everyone who comes into contact with our field. 


For those who understand that our Mother Earth, Gaia, is in the process of ascending, this work helps us to connect our own experiences with this process -  we realise that we are one with Gaia, and so, we too, are undergoing the same ascension process.  By tuning into our intuitive nature, spiritual guidance and astrological blueprint and by bringing Quantum Coherence to our energetic field we become more aware of what is going on for us, both personally and collectively, allowing the ascension process to unfold more easily.


To discover how you can do this, visit my Quantum Coherence & Spiritual Alchemy page  HERE

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© 2019 Amy Roy

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