Heart of the Matter
let your body do the talking...
About my Practice

Heart of the Matter
Quantum Coherence
& Spiritual Alchemy
Your journey of self discovery
"The Cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself"
Carl Sagan

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change"
'MAX PLANCK, Father of Quantum Physics

What is Quantum Coherence?
Some dictionary definitions:
QUANTUM: 'the subatomic particles which make up the building blocks of all matter'
COHERENCE: 'the quality of forming a unified whole'
When we talk of 'Quantum Coherence' in terms of our own individual path of development and healing, we are really examining the subatomic particles of our entire existence, across all time, space, dimension and reality, all of which is contained within each individual atom of our reality in the here and now. We are each a single drop of the ocean of consciousness, without which the ocean could not exist.
If we look at ourselves from the perspective of quantum physics we see that we are simply energy, frequency and vibration moving from a wave state into a particle state and back again. These frequency waves and particles are what hold our personal intentions and our focus of attention - in other words, this is the key to our divine consciousness and personal influence. Our job, it seems, in this human existence that we inhabit, is to bring awareness to this consciousness that we hold, on behalf of the great ocean of consciousness, in order to remember that we are, in fact, an interconnected ONE.
"You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop"
During a Quantum Coherence session we explore everything that makes us who we are - all of our current conscious and subconscious thoughts, feelings, beliefs, experiences and cellular programming. We take a look at all the different layers of our existence - our physical, energetic, light and spiritual bodies - all aspects of our greater Self. We examine the nature of consciousness - Ego-self, Mind, Soul-self, Higher self, Body and our cosmic origins. We consider ancestral and karmic factors, light code DNA and biological DNA and we take into account our relationship with our mother Gaia and the elements.
Most of who we think we are is actually a combination of vibrational patterns that we have brought in to this incarnation (from other life-time experiences, other soul fragments and our ancestral lines) and the biological DNA information we have acquired from our parents and from cultural and environmental influences. Some of this information is useful to us, but a lot of it unconsciously creates distortion that pulls us away from our true nature as a human being, causing ill health and unhappiness. Sadly, we are mostly encouraged to believe that the current state of humanity and the resulting damage we are inflicting on our beautiful planet is a fait accompli and that we are powerless to change it. However, we are beginning to discover that nothing could be further from the truth. There are many enlightened scientists, great thinkers, light workers and channelers that are now downloading spiritual and galactic information, accessing teachings that are helping humanity to expand consciousness and off-load some of these distortions. This is stimulating a period of rapid evolution for the collective and an elevation of our frequency and vibration that aligns directly with the Earth's ascension process.
Along with other students at the Intuitive You Academy, I have had access to some of this new information about the mechanics of our existence, all of which is helping many of us to bring coherence, and symmetry to our lives. We aim to share this learning with those who seek the same and, to help those who would wish it, clear their own path to ascension.
There a is new network of human consciousness that is beginning to sweep the globe. This network is a heart centred one that believes in love, harmony and symmetry, comprised of the many souls who know deep down that it is possible to live peacefully not only within themselves, but also with one another. It is a network that understands that we are not separate from others, we are connected as one unified consciousness. Not only that, but we are beginning to remember that we are ONE with our Source and not separate, as we have been conditioned to believe. We are, in fact, the hands of the 'Great Creator' itself, and are designed to allow this great spirit to work through us.
Quantum Coherence allows us to restore symmetry and flow to our toroidal field and come into alignment with the sacred geometry of nature and of the cosmos. It allows us to work within the realms of universal law, natural magik and alchemy by mastering our physical frequency and our ability to create with focused intent - influencing reality for the better.
​Spiritual Alchemy
In our modern world, the concept of Alchemy may seem a little far fetched, but I like to remember that alchemy is an every day occurrence - not only in the natural world around us, but right under our noses in our very own homes. Think of the natural process of the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly - a miraculous, if every day, example of alchemy in nature. And then, at its most down to earth, any chef will tell you his or her culinary art is an alchemical process, whereby a few single ingredients are magically and masterfully combined together to create the most divine dish. Even the making of a cup of tea is an expression of alchemy. Working with consciousness is not so different.
When working within the quantum and multi-dimensional levels of existence, the techniques I use are founded in Alchemy. You will be taken on a journey of self-discovery that, with an open mind and open heart, will provide you with a wider understanding of your history and origins. With focused intention and co-creation with the Guides, Source and other Light beings, we work to expand your consciousness and vibrational frequency, helping you to develop on many levels and learn to trust your own, true intuitive nature. As you progress, you will gain a higher perspective of life that allows you to see the greater picture of your circumstances from an eagle's perch view. You can let go of fear and conflict and transform lack and victim consciousness into abundance and freedom.
​As you begin to align with your higher self, you will gain a better understanding of your roles and purpose in this lifetime, restoring coherence and natural resonance. Your true mission and commitment to the greater good of all may then begin to unfold.​​
My favourite definition of the concept of Alchemy originates from the ancient Greeks and the Arabic traditions, that describes alchemy as:
'The process of transmutation by which to fuse or reunite with the divine or original form'.
This definition sits well with me and it describes concisely what I aim to do, both for myself and for those that come to me for guidance. The focus of the work we do is aimed at restoring and integrating a coherent Self - your original, divine blueprint.
​Alchemy, therefore, is not this distant thing from the dark ages that does not concern us today, but something we all have access to, here and now, in our very own lives.
When we understand the mechanics of universal law and our own power of focused intention, with the will to open up to greater human possibility, we can all access these transformational abilities and dimensions of reality. I believe that this could possibly be the missing link to living well. And so, living hand in hand with nature and creating a world in which every being is living to their fullest potential may not be such a pipe dream after all.
"That is why alchemy exists," the boy said. "So that everyone will search for his treasure, find it, and then want to be better than he was in his former life. Lead will play its role until the world has no further need for lead; and then lead will have to turn itself into gold. That's what alchemists do. They show that when we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too"-
PAULO COHELO, The Alchemist