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Fresh Feta Salad

Health hacks

8 June 2020

I have just been writing an article on my Heart   of the Matter Musings page, about how we can manage our stress during the current Corona virus panic, and why it is so important that we do take action to protect ourselves from the collective fear and anxiety that surrounds us, as well as from the virus itself.


It has prompted me to share a really simple technique that we use in Kinesiology to relieve stress.  The EMOTIONAL STRESS RELEASE TECHNIQUE (ESR) has been developed as a tool that can be easily self-administered when we are experiencing emotional stress.  It can help us to lighten the load and gain focus and clarity within minutes.


I have done a short video which explains how to do it.  Having never done a video like this before, I don't mind telling you that I did practice what I preach and spent quite a bit of time doing the ESR technique before filming!  Am I comfortable with being on film and talking in front of a camera?  NO!  But extensive ESR helped me be able to do it and get over my fear.  It's not perfect, but my next one will be even better with a bit of ESR help.  Below it is a diagram with the points clearly marked, as a guide to help you do it for yourself.



October 3rd 2019

Today I made Elderberry Syrup... 


This is a fave of mine to get my family and me through the winter cold season.  I'm no chef but this is SOOOO easy to make and you can make it with fresh berries you picked late summer or from frozen or my case today I bought some dried berries from a health food shop.


This is an age old remedy to fight winter colds and flu.  Full of antioxidants it really is a miracle cure for boosting your immune system.  Even if you succumb to the lurgy it is still effective to help you recover more quickly.  It tastes great too - I even manage to get the children to take a couple of tablespoons (almost) without complaint if they start to feel under the weather! 


You can buy elderberry syrup in health food shops, but at the rate we get through it it can be a costly affair.  A homemade version is much more affordable, tastes better and doesn't contain refined sugar or glucose syrup.





125g  dried elderberries / 250g fresh or frozen

500ml of water

Juice of 1 large lemon

2 tbsp grated ginger

1 tsp cinnamon

3 cloves 

125ml honey (less or more to taste) - you can use the best quality honey you can manage - Manuka would be an extra immune system boost if you want to spend the money but regular honey will do the trick.


1.  If you are using fresh berries you will need to take the berries off the stalks - using a fork and pulling it through the stalks is an effective way of doing this.  Once all the stalky bits are removed you can put the berries into a medium sized pan.  Using dried berries is even easier - just put them into the pan.


2.  Add 1 pint of water.


3. Add the grated ginger, and spices to the water.


4.  Bring to the boil and leave simmer with the lid on for 45 minutes.


5. While your berries are simmering prepare your jars.  Wash the jars in hot soapy water.  To sterilise them place on a tray and pop into the oven (160 C) oven for at least 10 minutes.


6.  Once the juice has reduced to a slightly thicker consistency turn off the heat and allow to cool partially.  Mash the berries to get the most juice out.


7.  Once it has cooled to warm temperature you can sieve out the berries.  I just squeeze the juice through the sieve with the back of a spoon making sure I get as much of the juice as possible.  Once you have removed the berries and bits you can add the honey and the lemon juice, stirring to allow the honey to dissolve.  The syrup will need to have some heat left to dissolve the honey.  If it has cooled down completely you may need to warm it a bit.  Don't let it boil though - especially if using good quality honey- as this will reduce the medicinal effects of the honey.


8.  Pour the delicious syrup into your pre-prepared jars or bottles.


9. Pop them into the fridge and Hey Presto ...  you are now prepared for the winter!



Image by Chris Lawton

Autumn is here and winter is approaching...


Ta da!

© 2019 Amy Roy

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