Heart of the Matter
let your body do the talking...
About my Practice

"The Cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself"
Carl Sagan

~ quantum energy medicine & alchemy
Your journey of self discovery
Merriam Webster defines Alchemy as:
1. A medieval chemical science and speculative philosophy aiming to achieve the transmutation of the base metals into gold, the discovery of a universal cure for disease and the discovery of a means of indefinitely prolonging life'
2.' A power of process that changes or transforms something in a mysterious or impressive way'
It also defines an Alchemist as being
'Someone who transforms things for the better'
.... I do like that one!

The Alchemists of legend, historical notoriety, or of the modern day, all work with quantum matter, atoms and heart-felt conscious intent through the lens of energy and the sacred geometry of nature. They ask themselves 'how can we influence matter, energy and consciousness in order to remove distortion in such a way as to restore coherence, harmony and balance in the universe?'
This is exactly what I aim to do.
"You are an alchemist; make gold of that"
"That is why alchemy exists," the boy said. "So that everyone will search for his treasure, find it, and then want to be better than he was in his former life. Lead will play its role until the world has no further need for lead; and then lead will have to turn itself into gold. That's what alchemists do. They show that when we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too"-
PAULO COHELO, The Alchemist

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
MAX PLANCK, Father of Quantum Physics

Most of us will mostly likely have a basic understanding that alchemy talks of transformation - the transmutation of one base substance to a purer, more valuable one. Typically, this is illustrated by the age-long quest to transform base metal (lead) into gold.
According to the Royal Society of Chemistry, the aims of the alchemists were threefold:
"To find the Stone of Knowledge (The Philosphers' Stone)
To discover the medium of Eternal Youth and Health
To discover the transmutation of metals".
If, for you, all this conjures up images of Merlin, King Arthur and the Knights of the round table, as it does for me, you might associate Alchemy with supernatural powers, shapeshifting and all things magical. All of the abilities, which we attribute to Merlin the Enchanter, we have been taught, are impossible, or certainly not accessible to you or I, and so these concepts may seem a little far-fetched.
However, not to be spooked by the idea of medieval esoteric practices, please let us remember that alchemy happens every day, not only in the natural world around us, but in our very own kitchens. Personally, I have always been enamoured by the process of metamorphosis - the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly, for example - which is, of course, an everyday occurrence of alchemy in nature. And then, at its most down to earth, any chef will tell you his/her culinary art is an alchemical process, whereby a few single ingredients are magically and masterfully combined together to create the most divine dish.
Alchemy, therefore, is not this distant thing that does not concern us unless we are experts at dabbling in the esoteric realms of metaphysics and spirit, but something we all have access to, here and now, in our very own lives. Understanding how we can all access these transformational abilities and dimensions of reality could possibly be the missing link to living well. Living hand in hand with nature and creating a world in which every being is living to its fullest potential may not be such a pipe dream after all. More to the point, learning to access these realms is not to be confined to the classroom or the universities, but instead is to be found through deep self-reflection, opening the heart and mind and through the development of our own personal intuitive senses and perceptions.
The art of Alchemy, is therefore accessed through a daily practice of raising our conscious awareness and a willingness to accept that we are not confined to the physical body alone, nor are we somehow 'victim' to the desires and edicts of Mind and Ego. Acknowledging and heeding the perspective and wisdom of our Soul-Self and Higher-Self enhances our ability to understand better the nature of our reality, brings a sense of purpose and direction, and puts us firmly back in the driving seat. We are transported into our inner realms of existence, where it is possible to learn way more than any book could ever teach us. For some reason, these inner realms that we called imagination as children, are pushed aside as we grow up, and disregarded as if they were worth nothing. And yet, it is precisely from here that all matter is derived. Quantum theory tells us this. This is where the power of the mind is trained and harnessed - our ability to visualise, plan, create and conceptualise. Any inventor, athlete or artist will start his or her process of goal-attainment by creating the vision and then whole-heartedly believing that they can do it. They practice the art of knowing that they can do it. The hard part for most of us is dismantling the programming that tells us that it can't be done, or there's no point, it won't work anyway, how selfish, 'who do you think you are to do this?'. This is where the alchemy happens.
During our journey of self-discovery, we begin to accept the reality and power of these realms of our existence and as our experiences become more vivid and tangible they weave their way in to our conscious perceptions and into our daily lives. Only then are we really ready to contemplate some of the bigger existential questions such as:
'where do I come from?',
'for what purpose am I here?',
'what happens to me when I die?' or
'are we alone in the universe?'.
Without a personal understanding of who we are and what we are made of, the appreciation of the universe - our place in it and the relationship we have with it - is nothing but an intellectual exercise, and can make no actual living sense to us. This is why these matters are regularly delegated to the Holy men and to the Einsteins of this world. However, once we understand that the universe is to be felt personally, intuitively and in the moment, we begin to look within to find it. And of course, that is where the real universe lies - (which, what's more, is precisely where Einstein found his genius!).
The Royal Society of Chemistry writes that "To the medieval alchemist's mind the different elements were but the same original substance in varying degrees of purity". Modern-day Alchemists (Chemists) however, might refute this view and declare that one basic element could never be changed in to another. But, if we accept Einstein's claim that 'Everything is energy', when we lay the above statement alongside the modern-day understandings of quantum physics, we might agree that that the Alchemists of old may not have been far off the truth. In fact if you were to research the work of Alchemists and Polymaths such as John Dee, you would discover that these guys knew more than we might like to admit. Could it be that without fully knowing it, the findings of the Alchemists of old bore an understanding of matter at its most original and purest source - an area of sub-atomic study that we now call quantum mechanics?
You may be observing, as I am, a resurgence of practitioners, scientists and polymaths talking in these terms. Scientists at the HeartMath Institute, Dr Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, Barbara Wren, Candace Pert, Robert Edward Grant (please do look them up!), to name just a handful, have all contributed hugely to this peaking of interest in the connection between science, maths, metaphysics, emotions and spirituality. Through their own personal journeys and soul-centred self-reflection and growth they are able to share with us some of the huge discoveries they have made in order for us to expand our consciousness and knowledge. I would encourage anybody who feels drawn to expanding their understanding of how their mind, body or soul work to delve deeper into the volumes of information and wisdom that has been unveiled by the above people over the recent decades - all can be found in bookshops and Youtube, very easily.
When working with clients, I guide them through an alchemical process. Whether concerning their health, lifestyle or personal development, I encourage them to step away from a reality over which they feel they have little or no influence, towards a place of liberation and clarity and ultimately to a place of sovereignty.
I aim to share with you some methods and techniques that I have learned that teach us how to work with the fabric of the universe and universal law, all while bringing a higher perspective in to the picture. We will work with energy & frequency, with quantum entanglement and focused intention to re-direct this fabric of energy and light that surrounds us (and from which we are made) to return you to your highest potential, and to a clear and natural geometry - in other words, to a state of balance and symmetry.
The Arabic and Greek etymologies of the word 'alchemy' provide perhaps my favourite interpretation and definition as being:
'The process of transmutation by which to fuse or reunite with the divine or original form'
This is an interpretation that sits well with me, and describes concisely what I aim to do, both for myself and for those who come to me for guidance.
We only have to look to nature to see how the great mystery of creation manifests in a mathematically ordered system of co-operation and aesthetic measure. The study of the natural geometry of the world is called sacred geometry, and, not only can it be seen in every flower, each water droplet and even in each zygote that forms new life, but its importance is also reflected in the construction of our ancient monuments, such as the Pyramids of Egypt as well as in the realms of art, mathematics and music. Sacred geometry is said to be the language of the universe and without it the sky, literally, would fall in!
The yogis talk of sacred geometry in their practice, the scientists understand that our entire electro-magnetic field is geometric in nature and that we are energetically held together by a topological energetic structure that emits a toroidal field and light. Sacred geometry is everywhere in life and many people recognise that the great creation is made of a geometric fabric. And our consciousness, our 'spirit' or 'light', is no different.
With that in mind, we must recognise that we live in an ordered universe and we are ourselves structured beings, that flow and have a geometric pattern. Because each of us has a different life story, soul experience, and ancestral lineage and we each have an individual personality, our topological structure, and therefore our field, is unique to us. Rather like a finger print. Our light is also carried in a toroidal structure and that is what we project into the world. That is what we use to create our reality and consequently it is also what we draw into our lives. What we put out comes back to us ('As ye sow, so shall ye reap'). Once we take on board these concepts, it becomes apparent fairly quickly that much of what defines us and our current reality is a consequence of the state of our natural toroidal fields and structures. These fields and stuctures are influenced by our thoughts and attention and the power of our Mind.
When we work together in a session, our objective is to bring these fields into a place of coherence, balance and symmetry - that is what defines good health and brings about our fullest potential in this lifetime.
Alchemy is an art that has clear scientific basis ('Natural Philosophy') whereby we tap into the natural order by remembering that we are of it, not separate from it. In fact, the very creation of our first eight cells of life - the zygote, holds its own geometric pattern (the 'egg of life') and is the building block of our physical existence.
When we understand the order and symmetry of the universe it can be a very reassuring thing. In a world of uncertainty, is it not an essential thing to acknowledge that our world does in fact hold solid and orderly foundations? After all, we never hold any doubt that the sun will rise each morning when we wake. That tells us that the apparent chaos we see 'out there', is actually a distortion of the truth, and comes from distortions in our very own conscious awareness. That being so, we are therefore in a position to change our consciousness and bring the world back into symmetry and balance.

There is geometry in the humming of the strings, there is music in the spacing of the spheres" PYTHAGORAS
"Geometry will draw the soul toward truth and create the spirit of philosophy"
"It is through geometry that one purifies the eye of the soul" Plato
Many people who come to my practice feel lost and untethered to their current reality, their energy feels shattered, distorted or disconnected. They have a poor sense of self and I often hear them say 'I just don't know who I am'. They no longer see things as they once did, nor do they feel understood by their friends and family. They feel stifled or restless and wonder why they have put up with their circumstances for so long. Many are awakening to an inner knowing that there is more to life. Some are witnessing strange or paranormal experiences, sudden insights or intuitions or may even be experiencing an awareness of other realms or dimensions that surround them as their sensitivities heighten.
If any of the above resonates with you, then know that you are not alone.
It is said that all living beings have a toroidal field. This electro-magnetic field emanates from a topological structure called the torus, a phenomenon comprised of many forces including light, chi and kundalini that many scientists are fascinated by. This torus allows for the flow of energy in and out of the structure of any life form, which circulates in a continuous loop in and around that being. The centre point of this toroidal field is held at the heart centre. The flow of energy comes in through the top end of the donut shaped torus, and leaves through the other end at the bottom. We have a toroidal field and torus for each of our layers of existence - our physical body, our energetic body, our light body and quantum field, all of which sit stacked within each layer, like Russian dolls. Not only that but every living thing, including our Mother Earth, animals, plants, has one.
Having studied the mechanics of metaphysics, spirituality and consciousness over the last decade, I have experienced for myself how, when we clear our own distortions and deviations from our natural blue print, we can achieve a reality that is aligned to our highest potential that is in synchronicity with the sacred geometry of the universe.
For those of you who wish to explore your consciousness and how to master your own experience of reality this is a truly unique and exciting path to follow.
If you experience stubborn health issues that do not respond to the myriad of modalities you have tried already,
If you find yourself repeating patterns in your relationships with self, at work or at home that no longer work for you, but find it difficult to break the habits or attachments you have created for yourself
Or, if you just have a feeling that there is more to life and reality ...
...Then this is a journey for you
Together we will discover where distortion lies for you. Using muscle testing as a foundation to connect with your consciousness and with the help of many energetic tools and techniques and with the added guidance of our Guides, Light Beings and Ascended Masters, we can figure out how to bring your quantum field and your human layers back in to coherence, harmony and balance.
Once you experience it for yourself, how you see and live your life will be transformed. You will no longer fight or resist the tide of universal forces but will realise instead that the universe is supporting you and is encouraging you to trust your inner blueprint. You will lose your fear and gain confidence in the order of the 'Great Mystery'. Not only that, but your sense of well being will be shared with all that you connect with on your path, as you magnetically draw coherence, harmony and balance to you.
As we transmute our personal lead into gold, we will share with others our midas touch as we walk our path.